Hello all,
Michelle and I have been reviewing our easing of restrictions, as promised. We have been asking for and listening to feedback from you all. It seems (from what we’ve heard) that vast majority of people are positive about the direction of travel; whether that is genuinely positive or positive but patient, ie. “for now things are fine, but we’re waiting for…”, we don’t know. We have responded to some questions and concerns, most of which are small matters relating to the structure or choices around content at 10.15am service and have made changes to accommodate these.
Thank you to all who have shared their thoughts and feelings with us. We are still listening and navigating through this and we are grateful you have chosen to join us on the journey.
One thing that has been raised is the timing of the new evening Eucharist every other week at 6pm. A few people would like to come along to this but it is too late for them and so we are considering moving to an earlier time, eg. 4pm. We will scope out the popularity of this move before changing anything with those who have expressed an interest in this service. If you are one of them, please do let us know.
Wander & Worship continues to discover its role and purpose in our life together. A review with those who have been leading this initiative is booked in. Over the next few sessions it will be themed around our church’s values and will offer it’s now usual menu of activities catering for all ages, levels, and preferences. A big thank you to all those who continue to shape this gathering service at Saint Peter’s.
On Saturday 18th September, at the Wander & Worship session (2pm-4pm) we will exploring ‘love without borders’ and as part of the session people will be invited to help us cut back our (herbaceous) borders! We would love to clean up the grounds around the church building, including the shrubbery, the lawns and the flower beds. If you would like to come along and help us, you’d be most welcome! Many hands make light work! There will be a shared lunch from 1pm: bring something to eat and, perhaps, share, before we set to work together.
God bless,