Who’s Who


Revd Ben Shires


Ben is our vicar who joined us in 2024. He’s also the vicar of St James’ Norton. You’re likely to see him being dragged around Greenhill and Lowedges with his very friendly Golden Retriever called Wilson.


Simon Hayes

Lay Reader

Simon is our licensed Lay Reader which mean he assists in leading the Church in worship and teaching. Simon is also passionate about serving our local community and reaching out to those on the margin of society.


Michelle Hayes

Pastoral Worker

Michelle heads up our Pastoral Team and is licensed by the Diocese of Sheffield as a Pastoral Worker.  Michelle is married to Simon (our Reader), has two sons, and likes Doctor Who, rock and heavy metal music. She also in our Discipleship & Community team supporting, encouraging and reviewing the activities of the church whose primary purpose is the building up of the Body of Christ, the deepening of faith in believers and the caring for those who are struggling in our family.