Family Service
25th Jun 2023 10:15 AM
We cater all our services for all ages.
The Family Service is our more informal Sunday service and on the fourth Sunday we we offer baptism to any who feel called to start a journey of faith with Jesus. (If you want to know more about baptism, please contact us for a conversation).
Despite being unable to legally enforce any restrictions we are offering the following encouragements and suggestions to all of our church family:
Mask wearing/face coverings
these will be encouraged as much as possible during Sunday worship, particularly when moving around the building.
Social distancing
we will be providing two ‘zones’ in church; the ‘socially distanced zone’ and the ‘non-socially distanced zone’.
People will, therefore indicate their own personal preference by sitting in those zones.
If it turns out that one zone is too big or too small we’ll adjust accordingly.
The back of church will remain a ‘non-socially distanced zone’ for children to use during the services.
Track and Trace
although not legally required, we feel it is still wise to continue to track and trace people who turn up on Sundays. For most people this involves being ‘ticked’ in by those on the door.
it is with great joy that we will be permitted to sing together on Sundays!
We do, however, want to encourage this to be done with masks on so as to limit the amount of ‘droplets’ being projected into the air and, potentially, spreading any infections.
All other restrictions will be kept in place and will be reviewed regularly.
We hope to welcome you at this service in what ever way you feel comfortable joining us.